The center measure that empowers the recognition of cells discharging proteins of interest is based around a method called FRET (Fӧster Resonance Energy Transfer). Two atomic tests, that tight spot to various destinations on the protein that you are attempting to gauge, are each marked with a fitting fluorophore. On account of discharged counter acting agent discovery, the two sub-atomic tests tie to either the Fc locale on the objective immune response or the antigen-explicit area. As these locales are truly close, laser excitation of the giver fluorophore brings about reverberation energy to energize the acceptor test. The subsequent emanation is identified by Cyto-Mine and used to recognize picodroplets containing the discharged immunizer of interest. This examine organization can be adjusted and custom-made to various antigen targets giving an adaptable measure configuration to the identification of explicit targets.
Profoundly delicate and explicit tests
Utilizing our exclusive picodroplet innovation and examine plan adaptability, Cyto-Mine gives a useful asset to gauge neutralizer emission at a solitary cell level precisely. This exceptionally touchy strategy empowers you to examine and choose antigen-explicit immunizer emitting cells in manners that customary techniques can’t. We offer adaptable examine configuration, including the capacity to foster fitted tests to suit your particular application needs including:
- Antigen-explicit examines: Hybridoma combination screen, B cell screening
- IgG discharge test: Productivity screen
- Altered tests: Functional, Post-translational changes, Reporter measures
Further developed effectiveness to screen hybridomas.
To exhibit how viable picodroplets are for screening hybridomas and confining antibodies, we estimated monoclonal counter acting agent emission by single cell hybridomas in picodroplets. The cells were hatched at 37°C north of three hours and neutralizer discharge estimated utilizing a FRET-based ELISA (for example a homogenous measure). As should be visible in the chart, cells filled in picodroplets proceeded as well as cells filled in mass culture over the period dissected. This permits clients to separate an immense number of hybridomas a brief period of time with insignificant utilization of reagents, all without settling for less on measure execution.
Cell-accommodating handling
Picodroplets give an exceptionally defensive climate to help cell practicality and honesty during hatching and to safeguard cells against shear pressure as they course through the microfluidic channels. Also, the biocompatible surfactants utilized in picodroplet development advance elevated degrees of gas trade and oxygen accessibility to further develop cell outgrowth.
- Further developed cell suitability for B-cell examination
- Cyto-Mine guarantees that the reasonability of essential B-cells stays high when typified and investigated in picodroplets.
- Cells hatched in 450 pL picodroplets stay reasonable over the four-hour brooding period that is standard for the vast majority of the work processes completed utilizing our frameworks.
- This feasibility is urgent in essential B-cell investigation, as the need might arise to be content and solid in the wake of screening and arranging, so they are prepared for use in downstream applications.
Improved on Workflows
Cyto-Mine integrates various machines into one mechanized and simple to-utilize stage. That improves on the screening, arranging, disengagement and confirmation of antigen-explicit clones into a one-day work process. This coordinated microfluidics stage kills the requirement for a very long time to further develop efficiency and decrease screening costs by more than 10-crease contrasted with traditional procedures.
Hybridoma Screening Workflow
Not at all like clone pickers, which are simply ready to separate 10,000 hybridomas 3 to about a month and a half, Cyto-Mine can screen countless single hybridoma cells one day. The extraordinary speed of Cyto-Mine® permits you to screen and specifically disconnect intriguing hybridomas that mysterious the Ag-explicit antibodies of interest from an entire hybridoma populace.
Recognizing Rare Antigen-explicit Antibody-emitting Cells in Large Populations
An antigen explicit FRET measure was utilized to exhibit Cyto-Mine’s capacity of identifying intriguing positive hits from a huge cell populace.
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, 0.5%w/v, 3.0-3.9µm, 5mL | ||||
VP-30-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | 250 EUR | |
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, 0.5%w/v, 6.0-8.0µm, 5mL | ||||
VP-60-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | 250 EUR | |
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 0.5%w/v, 6.0-8.0µm, 5mL | ||||
VPX-60-5 | Spherotech | 5 mL | 260 EUR | |
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, 5.0%w/v, 0.7-0.9µm, 10mL | ||||
VP-08-10 | Spherotech | 10 mL | 335 EUR | |
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, 5.0%w/v, 1.0-1.9µm, 10mL | ||||
VP-10-10 | Spherotech | 10 mL | 335 EUR | |
Avidin Polystyrene Particles, Crosslinked, 1%w/v, 125.0-149.0µm, 4mL | ||||
VPX-1400-4 | Spherotech | 4 mL | 410 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Polystyrene Particles, 0.7-0.9 µm | ||||
DNM-C001 | Creative Diagnostics | 10 mL | 904 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Polystyrene Particles, 1.0-1.4 µm | ||||
DNM-C002 | Creative Diagnostics | 10 mL | 754 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Polystyrene Particles, 3.0-3.9 µm | ||||
DNM-C003 | Creative Diagnostics | 5 mL | 796 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Polystyrene Particles, 6.0-8.0 µm | ||||
DNM-C004 | Creative Diagnostics | 5 mL | 796 EUR | |
Absolute Mag™ Avidin Magnetic Polystyrene Particles, 6 µm | ||||
WHM-G154 | Creative Diagnostics | 2 mL | 726 EUR | |
Absolute Mag™ Avidin Magnetic Polystyrene Particles, 7 µm | ||||
WHM-G155 | Creative Diagnostics | 2 mL | 726 EUR | |
Absolute Mag™ Avidin Magnetic Polystyrene Particles, 8 µm | ||||
WHM-G156 | Creative Diagnostics | 2 mL | 726 EUR | |
Absolute Mag™ Avidin Magnetic Polystyrene Particles, 10 µm | ||||
WHM-G157 | Creative Diagnostics | 2 mL | 726 EUR | |
Absolute Mag™ Avidin Magnetic Polystyrene Particles, 12 µm | ||||
WHM-G158 | Creative Diagnostics | 2 mL | 726 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles, Pink, 0.4-0.6 µm | ||||
DNM-L091 | Creative Diagnostics | 5 mL | 648 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles, Pink, 1.7-2.2 µm | ||||
DNM-L092 | Creative Diagnostics | 5 mL | 704 EUR | |
DiagPoly™ Avidin Coated Fluorescent Polystyrene Particles, FITC, 1.7-2.2 µm | ||||
DNM-L097 | Creative Diagnostics | 5 mL | 704 EUR |
As a proof of idea, a hybridoma cell line emitting antigen explicit IgG was spike into a vague hybridoma cell line, bringing about model examples comprising A) 5%, B) 1% and C) 0.1 % of antigen-explicit cells. These model cell tests were typified in picodroplets along with the antigen-explicit FRET measure, hatched for 60 minutes, then arranged in light of fluorescent sign. From every one of the three model examples, explicit FRET-positive populaces were distinguished where extent of recognized up-sides coordinated with the normal positive rate.