NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Quantifiable Bacteria.

NATtrol items are prepared to-utilize, inactivated full cycle controls intended to assess execution of atomic tests. They can be utilized for confirmation of tests, preparing of research facility faculty and to screen measure pack part execution. NATtrol items contain flawless life forms and ought to be run in a way like clinical examples.

NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Atypical Bacteria and Viruses (12 x 0.2mL, 2 x 1.2 mL)

NATtrol items are prepared to-utilize, inactivated full interaction controls intended to assess execution of atomic tests. They can be utilized for check of measures, preparing of research facility faculty and to screen examine unit part execution. NATtrol items contain unblemished life forms and ought to be run in a way like clinical examples.

Non Infectious Pneumonia Panels

“We are satisfied to furnish the market with two new NATtrol inactivated Pneumonia QC Panels”, makes sense of Shawn Smith, President and CEO of ZeptoMetrix. “As the sub-atomic symptomatic market keeps on developing at a fast rate, the steady requirement for current, dependable, exact, and simple to utilize non-irresistible QC materials is fundamental. The presentation of NATPPA-BIO and NATPPQ-BIO exhibits our proceeded with obligation to help and give affirmations that patients and suppliers can depend upon completely”.


• NATtrol inactivation was done on microorganism stocks
used to form the board individuals. The inactivation was
confirmed in a standard microbiological development convention.
• This board contains inactivated microorganisms and materials of
human and creature beginning. Safe practices propose that the
controls be thought of as possibly irresistible and to utilize Universal
Safeguards while taking care of.
• Allude to CDC rules and neighborhood guidelines for taking care of and
• The framework utilized in the assembling of this item is treated with
0.09% sodium azide. It was fabricated from Human Serum
Egg whites that have been tried and viewed as non-receptive at
the contributor level for HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody, HBsAg and HCV
Immune response by FDA authorized giver screening test techniques. All
materials are additionally tried for HIV-1 and HCV by FDA supported

Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) strategies.

• Heat inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum utilized in the production of
this item meet relevant USDA necessities for abattoir
obtained creatures, detectability and nation of beginning. The materials
were gathered at USDA authorized foundations or lawfully
imported from nations perceived by the USDA as immaterial or
controlled for risk for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
also, other intriguing infection specialists. Contributor creatures were assessed
risk and after death at the abattoir as expected by the USDA.
• Try not to use past the lapse date on the name.
• To keep away from cross-defilement, utilize separate pipette tips for all
Suggested STORAGE:
• NATtrol™ Pneumonia Verification Panels ought to be put away at


Quality control materials ought to be utilized as per nearby,
state, government, and license prerequisites.
• This item isn’t expected to supplant the maker’s controls
furnished with the measure.
Anticipated RESULTS:
• Every research facility should assess the item and lay out their own
acknowledgment measures.
This board has been tried with the BioFire® Pneumonia Panel
measure and gives generally anticipated that outcomes should the board
individuals recorded in Table 1.
• The tables displayed underneath are for instructive purposes as it were.

NATtrol Molecular Controls.

Universally, a large number of individuals are tried for irresistible illnesses yearly. The ramifications of detailing either a bogus positive or a misleading negative can be decimating to the patient. Exact and touchy diagnostics are important to affirm that research centers are furnishing patients with legitimate testing results.
Using ZeptoMetrix® NATtrol™ Controls on a reliable premise assists with checking testing execution to boost extra trust in a patient’s accounted for results.

NATtrol Pneumonia Panel – Quantifiable Bacteria – 17 x 0.2 mL, 3 x 1.2 mL.

NATtrol Pneumonia Verification Panels: NATtrol Pneumonia Panel
– Quantifiable Bacteria (NATPPQ-BIO) and NATtrol Pneumonia Panel
– Abnormal Bacteria and Viruses (NATPPA-BIO) are figured out with refined,
flawless infection particles and bacterial cells that have been artificially changed
to deliver them non-irresistible and fridge stable. NATPPQ-BIO board
contains 17 x 0.2 mL vials of bacterial NATtrol and 3 x 1.2 mL vials of
Negative Control as recorded . NATPPA-BIO board contains 12 x
0.2mL vials of viral and bacterial NATtrol™ and 2 x 1.2mL vials of Negative.

Expected USE:

• NATtrol Pneumonia Verification Panels are intended to
assess the exhibition of nucleic analyses for assurance
of the presence of viral and bacterial nucleic acids (from
organic entities recorded . NATPPQ-BIO and NATPPA-BIO
empowers research facilities to screen test variety, parcel to-part test pack
execution, administrator variety and can give help with
recognizing irregular or fundamental mistake.


• NATtrol inactivation was completed on microorganism stocks
used to form the board individuals. The inactivation was
checked in a standard microbiological development convention.
This board contains inactivated microorganisms and materials of
human and creature beginning. Safe practices propose that the
controls be thought of as possibly irresistible and to utilize Universal
Insurances while taking care of.
Allude to CDC rules and nearby guidelines for taking care of and
• The grid utilized in the assembling of this item is treated with
0.09% sodium azide. It was produced from Human Serum
Egg whites that have been tried and viewed as non-responsive at
the giver level for HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody, HBsAg and HCV
Counter acting agent by FDA authorized benefactor screening test strategies. All
materials are additionally tried for HIV-1 and HCV by FDA endorsed

Nucleic Acid Test (NAT) strategies.

• Heat inactivated Fetal Bovine Serum utilized in the production of
this item meet relevant USDA necessities for abattoir
obtained creatures, recognizability and nation of beginning.

NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Quantifiable Bacteria (17 x 0.2 mL, 3 x 1.2 mL)

NATPPQ-BIO Zeptometrix 17 x 0.2 mL, 3 x 1.2 mL 830 EUR

NATtrol Pneumonia Panel-Atypical Bacteria & Viruses (12 x 0.2mL, 2 x 1.2 mL)

NATPPA-BIO Zeptometrix 12 x 0.2mL, 2 x 1.2 mL 588 EUR

MycoLightâ„¢ Fluorimetric CTC Live Bacteria Quantification Kit

22405-100Tests AAT Bioquest 100 Tests 334 EUR

Bacteria Mycoplasma pneumoniae (M. pneumoniae) Protein

abx670063-1ml Abbexa 1 ml 594 EUR

Staph A Quantified Bacterial DNA Standard

28301 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 395.4 EUR

E. coli O157:H7 Quantified Bacterial Standard

28302 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 395.4 EUR

Mixed Titer Bacteria Panel for Platelets (12 Samples 0.1 mL)

0820000 Zeptometrix - 488 EUR

Mixed Titer Bacteria Panel for Platelets (12 Samples 0.1 mL)

820000 Zeptometrix 12 Samples 0.1 mL 488 EUR

Samonella enterica Quantified Bacterial DNA Standard

28300 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 395.4 EUR

Neisseria gonorrhoeae Quantified Bacterial DNA Standard

28296 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 395.4 EUR

Listeria monocytogenes Quantified Bacterial DNA Standard

28299 Norgen Biotek Corp 1 Unit 395.4 EUR

RecombiVirus Mouse Pneumonia Virus (PVM) IgG ELISA Kit, 96 tests, Quantitative

AE-310400-1 Alpha Diagnostics 1 Kit 680.4 EUR

Bacterial Vaginosis BV Test Card 4 panel

INV-1040 Innovation Biotech 4.0mm (strip in a card) 25cards/box 2 EUR

Resistance CRE Klebsiella Multiplex Real Time PCR test for detection of Klebsiella pneumoniae and resistance genes to carbapenems blaKPC and blaOXA48 associated to Gram- bacteria

T01977-96-T Sacace Biotechnologies 96 651.82 EUR

NATtrol K. pneumoniae Stock (Quantitative) (1mL)

NATKPN-STQ Zeptometrix 1 mL 857 EUR

NATtrol S. pneumoniae Stock (Quantitative) (1mL)

NATSPN-STQ Zeptometrix 1 mL 857 EUR

Human Chlamydia pneumoniae IgG,Cpn IgG ELISA Kit (Quantitative)

SL0442Hu_1 Sunlong 96 Tests Ask for price

Chlamydia Pneumonia

cht-010 ProSpec Tany 100µg 165 EUR

Gram - bacteria

1054 Virostat each 270 EUR

The materials were gathered at USDA authorized foundations or lawfully
imported from nations perceived by the USDA as insignificant or
controlled for risk for Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)
furthermore, other extraordinary sickness specialists. Benefactor creatures were investigated
risk and posthumous at the abattoir as expected by the USDA.
• Try not to use past the lapse date on the mark.
• To stay away from cross-tainting, utilize separate pipette tips for all

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